8th fair trade principle (capacity building) on the Rosette Network blog
Brand feature Fair trade education

The 8th fair trade principle: capacity building

Today we’re looking at the 8th fair trade principle as part of our countdown of the World Fair Trade Organization’s 10 Principles of Fair Trade. This is the third post in the series, so if you missed the others, you can start with the 10th principle: respecting the environment. Or if you caught that, but not the second post, last week we talked about the 9th principle: promoting fair trade. Then you’ll be all caught up for this post! So now that business is dealt with, let’s get into why…

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The 9th fair trade principle is the promotion of fair trade (Rosette Network blog)
Brand feature Fair trade education

The 9th fair trade principle: promoting fair trade

Today we’re talking about the 9th fair trade principle, which is promoting fair trade. It’s the second in our countdown series of deep dives into the 10 principles of fair trade, set forth by the World Fair Trade Organzation! (If you missed the first post in this countdown series, start with the deep dive into the 10th fair trade principle here!) The 9th fair trade principle (promoting fair trade) is one of my favourites because it’s something I do a lot as a fair trade business! So without further ado,…

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Fair trade gifts for the holidays (Christmas stocking stuffers) on Rosette Fair Trade
Shopping guides

Fair trade gifts: your guide for the holidays!

It’s here: ideas for fair trade gifts just in time for the holidays, so that you can bring a little fair to the festivities! With just under 30 days left until Christmas day, even the most spontaneous of Christmas gift-givers need to start picking up those presents soon! Today we’re going to talk about the many ways that you can give fair trade gifts this holiday season, whether it’s quick stocking stuffers or extra special gifts. And if we miss something, let us know in the comments how you like…

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Working ethical trade into a vegan lifestyle guest post by EcoAnouk on Rosette Fair Trade
Fair trade education

Working ethical trade into a vegan lifestyle

The journey into veganism is a long and winding one – perhaps not for everyone, but it certainly has been for me. I’m still not completely settled into my vegan lifestyle and I definitely make mistakes every now and then. But that is expected, isn’t it? Lifestyle changes are hard. And an ethics-led lifestyle change may be more deliberate and abrupt, but it’s still not a walk in the park.  When you’re already focusing on living a vegan lifestyle, how can you add support for ethical practices into the mix…

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Top 6 fair trade clothing brands in Canada on Rosette Fair Trade (etik and co)
Brand feature Fair trade education Shopping guides

Top 6 fair trade clothing brands in Canada

People ask me all the time what my top picks are when it comes to fair trade clothing brands. In the UK, there are tons, and I’m even seeing quite a few pop up in the US. Unfortunately, Canada doesn’t have nearly the same visibility. So today we’re going to change that! These are (in no particular order) my top 6 fair trade clothing brands in Canada. And in case you’re like me and love the convenience of online shopping, they’re all available for purchase online, too! If you’re not…

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What is fair trade and why is it important - fair trade education from Rosette Fair Trade
Fair trade education

What is fair trade and why is it important?

A few weeks ago, I offered a free webinar called Fair trade 101: what is fair trade and why is it important? At that point, I realized that there were tons of questions out there around what fair trade is and why it matters. Since not everyone could make it to the webinar, I thought making a post would be a great way to continue educating about fair trade. So here we have it: a post that has similar content to my webinar! If you have other questions, please don’t…

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Fair trade vs free trade differences, comparison and infographic on Rosette Fair Trade
Fair trade education Infographics

Fair trade vs free trade (conventional trade): what’s the difference?

If you start Googling fair trade, one of the first autofills is almost always “fair trade vs free trade.” These two things sound similar in name, so they cause some confusion. But fair trade and free trade (or conventional trade) are very different things. Today we’ll discuss why! I’ve already gone into detail about why fair trade and organic aren’t the same, but the simple question of fair trade vs free trade is one that I get all the time. And the answer is basically at the very heart of…

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Fair trade vs organic mango and avocado
Fair trade education

Fair trade vs organic: what’s the difference?

The fair trade vs organic question is a common one. Consumers are more conscious than ever about their purchases, which is a great—and also sometimes confusing—thing! While fair trade and organic are movements that have a relationship with one another, one is no more the same as the other than a person is the same as their partner. Sure, there are some common interests, but they’ve still got their own strengths! Many fair trade products are also organic, and as such, some organic products are also fair trade. But the…

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