8th fair trade principle (capacity building) on the Rosette Network blog
Brand feature Fair trade education

The 8th fair trade principle: capacity building

Today we’re looking at the 8th fair trade principle as part of our countdown of the World Fair Trade Organization’s 10 Principles of Fair Trade. This is the third post in the series, so if you missed the others, you can start with the 10th principle: respecting the environment. Or if you caught that, but not the second post, last week we talked about the 9th principle: promoting fair trade. Then you’ll be all caught up for this post! So now that business is dealt with, let’s get into why…

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The 9th fair trade principle is the promotion of fair trade (Rosette Network blog)
Brand feature Fair trade education

The 9th fair trade principle: promoting fair trade

Today we’re talking about the 9th fair trade principle, which is promoting fair trade. It’s the second in our countdown series of deep dives into the 10 principles of fair trade, set forth by the World Fair Trade Organzation! (If you missed the first post in this countdown series, start with the deep dive into the 10th fair trade principle here!) The 9th fair trade principle (promoting fair trade) is one of my favourites because it’s something I do a lot as a fair trade business! So without further ado,…

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Shopping guides

Fair trade gift guide (holidays 2021)

The wait is over and Rosette’s fair trade gift guide is here! This year, you can get your hands on some brand new items as well as some returning favourites! There are even limited edition items from some of your favourite brands! So check out the awesome fair trade gifts that we have in the store, and get inspired to give gifts that are made with love! We recommend that you view the catalog (above) in full screen. If the viewer above isn’t working properly, you can also read our…

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10th fair trade principle (respect for the environment) deep dive on Rosette Fair Trade
Brand feature Fair trade education

The 10th fair trade principle: respect for the environment

Welcome to the 10th fair trade principle, where we’ll kick off our series on all 10 of the principles of fair trade! This series will look at each of them in-depth. Today’s fair trade principle is respect for the environment, which is the 10th fair trade principle. In short, fair trade companies and producers must act responsibly towards the environment. How this looks will vary depending on the producer’s industry (for example, are they soap makers or cotton farmers?). But the principle requires that the producer consider the environment at…

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Green Sunshine smoothie recipe on the Rosette Fair Trade blog (overhead shot of glasses)

Green Sunshine smoothie recipe with fair trade fruit!

I’m sharing my Green Sunshine smoothie recipe with you all today because it’s a special occasion: Fairtrade Month! Now, please understand that when I say this is a recipe, it’s a loose definition of the term. Perhaps a more accurate word would be a formula, for instance, where you can customize your smoothie to what you have on hand and what mood you’re in. And I love formulae, don’t you? 🙂 The reason I call it this smoothie Green Sunshine is because when you make it as written, it tastes…

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Fair trade fruit beyond bananas (assorted tropical fruit on a smoothie bowl)
Fair trade education Shopping guides

Fair trade fruit: beyond bananas!

When we think about fair trade fruit, often we do think of bananas. And there’s a good reason for that, which is that bananas are one of the original products that advocates were fighting for when the fair trade movement was still very young in Canada. Thankfully, now you can get Fairtrade Certified bananas from large grocery chains like Farm Boy (in Ontario) and IGA (in Quebec). I also hear that major groceries in BC are carrying them. (If I’m missing someone, apologies! Let me know where you get your…

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Ethical holiday shopping guide - gift ideas, shipping best practices and more on Rosette Fair Trade
Fair trade education Shopping guides

Ethical holiday shopping guide 2020: gift ideas, shipping best practices & more!

When I first sat down to write an ethical holiday shopping guide for 2020, I thought it’d be easy peasy. Just recommend great gifts, right? But the more I thought about it, the more I remembered that 2020 is a year like no other. And so much has changed with our shopping habits as well as our shipping habits. It seemed like I would be negligent not to talk about what ethical online shopping looked like in 2020. Ethical consumption in general, and fair trade products specifically, are ethical because…

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Fair trade clothing in Canada (capsule wardrobe) on the Rosette Network
Brand feature Shopping guides

Fair trade clothing in Canada: the capsule wardrobe

If I had a dime for every time someone asked me where to find basic, minimalist fair trade clothing in Canada, I’d be a billionaire. The fair trade clothing movement has been steadily gaining momentum as more and more folks realize how unsustainable fast fashion is. (For planet, yes, but especially for people, as shown in the 2013 Rana Plaza incident.) Even in Canada, which isn’t usually able to keep up with Europe in the fair trade area, fair trade and sweatshop-free clothing is discussed more and more among businesses…

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Fair trade coffee and why this classic still leads the way (featured)
Fair trade education

Fair trade coffee: why this classic still leads the way

Fair trade coffee is the best-known fair trade product out there. If you’ve ever mentioned fair trade to someone, there’s a good chance they responded with something like, “You mean like the coffee?” This well-known fair trade product is famous for a reason. This week we’ll talk about why drinking fair trade coffee makes such a huge difference, as well as how fair trade coffee has become the high-quality, delicious product it is! But first, this is the fourth post in a series about Fairtrade Month in Canada. If you…

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Cold brew green rooibos iced tea on Rosette Fair Trade
DIY Recipes

Cold brew iced tea (easy!)

Is it getting super hot where you are? It’s getting warm in Ottawa, so we’ve started making our daily cold brew iced tea! Cold brew changed my life forever last summer. When I discovered it, I was like, “How have I never done this before? What have I been doing with my life?” Guys. It is so easy. Like, so easy you’ll think you must be doing it wrong because surely something delicious can’t come from so little work, right?! But it does. Customize it with any tea you like,…

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