8th fair trade principle (capacity building) on the Rosette Network blog
Brand feature Fair trade education

The 8th fair trade principle: capacity building

Today we’re looking at the 8th fair trade principle as part of our countdown of the World Fair Trade Organization’s 10 Principles of Fair Trade. This is the third post in the series, so if you missed the others, you can start with the 10th principle: respecting the environment. Or if you caught that, but not the second post, last week we talked about the 9th principle: promoting fair trade. Then you’ll be all caught up for this post! So now that business is dealt with, let’s get into why…

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Honey peanut butter cookies recipe by Rosette Fair Trade 08

Honey peanut butter cookies (recipe)

If (like me) you love regular peanut butter cookies, just imagine how delicious honey peanut butter cookies are! But what makes these cookies even better is the honey from African Bronze! Not only is it fair trade and organic honey, it also has a very special flavour quality to it because it’s wild. Imagine honey with a hint of blackstrap molasses and spice and you’ll have a pretty good idea of the complexity of the taste! And so it lends itself absolutely beautifully to these cookies. If you did substitute…

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Vegan chocolate chip pancakes recipe featuring fairtrade and organic ingredients on Rosette Fair Trade

Vegan chocolate chip pancakes (recipe)

You may wonder why I’m posting a recipe for (vegan) chocolate chip pancakes now, of all times. And it’s a fair question! For me, pancakes are synonymous with warm, weekend mornings. They conjure up images of a family brunch taking place in a sunny kitchen, while the birds are chirping outside the open window. Maybe that’s because during the summers of my youth, we often had pancake Saturdays, and they were extra special when there were chocolate chips involved! Technically, you can make these pancakes without chocolate chips, but why…

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Vegan coconut granola recipe using fairtrade and local ingredients on the Rosette Fair Trade blog and online store

Vegan coconut granola recipe

It was actually really tough to part with this vegan coconut granola recipe. It’s been my chef’s secret for years, and it makes me look like a super amazing cook every time I pull out homemade granola. But did you know that making granola at home is actually pretty easy? For those of us who are a little kitchen-savvy, it’s a total piece of cake! So because you know and love fair trade and organic products already, keep in mind that you can get some of these ingredients local, too.…

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Fair trade vs organic mango and avocado
Fair trade education

Fair trade vs organic: what’s the difference?

The fair trade vs organic question is a common one. Consumers are more conscious than ever about their purchases, which is a great—and also sometimes confusing—thing! While fair trade and organic are movements that have a relationship with one another, one is no more the same as the other than a person is the same as their partner. Sure, there are some common interests, but they’ve still got their own strengths! Many fair trade products are also organic, and as such, some organic products are also fair trade. But the…

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