Vegan coconut granola recipe using fairtrade and local ingredients on the Rosette Fair Trade blog and online store

Vegan coconut granola recipe

It was actually really tough to part with this vegan coconut granola recipe. It’s been my chef’s secret for years, and it makes me look like a super amazing cook every time I pull out homemade granola. But did you know that making granola at home is actually pretty easy? For those of us who are a little kitchen-savvy, it’s a total piece of cake! So because you know and love fair trade and organic products already, keep in mind that you can get some of these ingredients local, too.…

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Rosette Fair Trade online store - story

The story behind Rosette Fair Trade

I had no idea what fair trade even was 10 years ago. I’d like to apologize in advance to anyone who was hoping for a story along the lines of, “I’ve always known that social justice was an important part of my life.” I didn’t. I was pretty clueless for a long time. I don’t know if it was my surprisingly conservative upbringing or the tremendous amount of privilege one has as a WASP in Canada, but somehow I totally missed the whole social consciousness train until I was in…

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