Fair trade fruit beyond bananas (assorted tropical fruit on a smoothie bowl)
Fair trade education Shopping guides

Fair trade fruit: beyond bananas!

When we think about fair trade fruit, often we do think of bananas. And there’s a good reason for that, which is that bananas are one of the original products that advocates were fighting for when the fair trade movement was still very young in Canada. Thankfully, now you can get Fairtrade Certified bananas from large grocery chains like Farm Boy (in Ontario) and IGA (in Quebec). I also hear that major groceries in BC are carrying them. (If I’m missing someone, apologies! Let me know where you get your…

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Fair trade coffee and why this classic still leads the way (featured)
Fair trade education

Fair trade coffee: why this classic still leads the way

Fair trade coffee is the best-known fair trade product out there. If you’ve ever mentioned fair trade to someone, there’s a good chance they responded with something like, “You mean like the coffee?” This well-known fair trade product is famous for a reason. This week we’ll talk about why drinking fair trade coffee makes such a huge difference, as well as how fair trade coffee has become the high-quality, delicious product it is! But first, this is the fourth post in a series about Fairtrade Month in Canada. If you…

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Fair trade tea - how is it made on the Rosette Network (featured)
Fair trade education

Fair trade tea: what’s behind your fave infusion?

Fair trade tea is a beautiful thing. It’s a good way to know how your favourite warm drink was produced, and feel even better about it. This is the third week of Fairtrade Month already! (Time flies when you’re trading fair!) Today I’m talking about fair trade tea. If you missed last week’s post on fair trade chocolate (cocoa), you can read that here: Fair trade chocolate: what it’s doing for women, children & the planet. And if you want to catch up on the week before that, where I…

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Fair trade chocolate - what it is doing for women children and the planet on Rosette Fair Trade
Fair trade education

Fair trade chocolate: what it’s doing for women, children & the planet

Fair trade chocolate may be a modern idea, but the growing and eating of cacao has enriched human lives for millennia. This week of Fairtrade Month, we’re looking at fair trade chocolate (cocoa). If you missed last week’s post on fair trade sugar, check it out here: Fair trade sugar makes Fairtrade Month extra sweet! It’ll give you a bit of extra background on sweet treats like chocolate. Today, I’m going to focus on chocolate, and there’s a reason for that. It’s that a lot of conventional cocoa production is…

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Fair trade education

Fair trade sugar makes Fairtrade Month extra sweet!

Fair trade sugar isn’t usually considered the star of the fair trade movement, but maybe it should be! There’s no comparison to the light caramel flavour of golden cane sugar in your coffee, baked goods or even your favourite fair trade chocolate. Those beautiful, golden crystals of sweetness put the whole cane sugar vs white sugar debate to bed in a heartbeat. (But we’ll still talk about it briefly below.) For those who don’t already obsess over fair trade (like I do), May is Fairtrade Month. And for 2020, Fairtrade…

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Vegan chocolate chip pancakes recipe featuring fairtrade and organic ingredients on Rosette Fair Trade

Vegan chocolate chip pancakes (recipe)

You may wonder why I’m posting a recipe for (vegan) chocolate chip pancakes now, of all times. And it’s a fair question! For me, pancakes are synonymous with warm, weekend mornings. They conjure up images of a family brunch taking place in a sunny kitchen, while the birds are chirping outside the open window. Maybe that’s because during the summers of my youth, we often had pancake Saturdays, and they were extra special when there were chocolate chips involved! Technically, you can make these pancakes without chocolate chips, but why…

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Fairtrade vegan snacks guide from Rosette Fair Trade, featuring dried mangoes, granola and more
Shopping guides

Fair trade vegan snacks guide

At Rosette Fair Trade, vegan snacks are important to us! I mean, all snacks are important to us, to be honest. Snacks are a very important part of life! But those among us who are avoiding animal products, whether it be due to sensitivities or for ethical reasons, tend to have an especially tough time finding appropriate munchies. So today we’re going to talk about fair trade vegan snacks, many of which you can probably find in your local health food store. And without further ado, let’s get into the…

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Vegan coconut granola recipe using fairtrade and local ingredients on the Rosette Fair Trade blog and online store

Vegan coconut granola recipe

It was actually really tough to part with this vegan coconut granola recipe. It’s been my chef’s secret for years, and it makes me look like a super amazing cook every time I pull out homemade granola. But did you know that making granola at home is actually pretty easy? For those of us who are a little kitchen-savvy, it’s a total piece of cake! So because you know and love fair trade and organic products already, keep in mind that you can get some of these ingredients local, too.…

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Fairtrade Month 2019 (May) on Rosette Fair Trade!
Fair trade education

May is Fairtrade Month in Canada!

Did you know that May is Fairtrade Month in Canada? Well, I guess the title gave that part away… But what you may not know so well is what Fairtrade Month actually is. I’m here to clear all of that up! I’m going to discuss not only the what of Fairtrade Month (in Canada), but also the who and the why. What is Fairtrade Month (in Canada)? Fairtrade Month is a little different in Canada than elsewhere. In fact, in other places, it’s a fortnight rather than a month! (Looking…

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