How many staff does Rosette have?

Well, that’d be just one. Rosette is truly a small business! Though Rosette may have the opportunity to grow in the coming years, Lia is currently a one-woman army. She does all the behind-the-scenes product sourcing, social media/marketing, as well as communicating with customers and packing/shipping your orders. Seems like a lot, right? Well, it kind of is! But that’s why your patience, understanding and support is always so appreciated! 🙂

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What is Rosette, exactly?

Rosette Fair Trade is an online marketplace that specializes in fair trade goods. We only accept fair trade products that are verified or certified by a recognized fair trade body (or products whose ingredients are fair trade). In that sense, you could see Rosette as almost an Etsy or Amazon of fair trade products, where everything is made ethically by fair trade artisans, farmers and small businesses.

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What hours are you open?

While you can shop online 24/7, we are only available by phone and email during regular business hours, Monday to Friday, Eastern Time. This is also when orders are packed and shipped, so if you order on a weekend, please expect to wait until at least Monday before your order is sent. Your patience is appreciated, as we’re a tiny (one person!) operation.

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Is every product here fair trade?

Yes! All products on Rosette at least contain ingredients that are fair trade. When we talk about fair trade, what we mean is that the product or ingredient is certified or verified by one of our approved fair trade bodies. Those bodies are: Fairtrade International (FLO-Cert), Small Producers’ Symbol (SPP), Fair For Life, Fair Trade Federation, and World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO).

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