
  • A few weeks ago, I offered a free webinar called Fair trade 101: what is fair trade and why is it important? At that point, I realized that there were tons of questions out there around what fair trade is and why it matters. Since not everyone could make it to the webinar, I thought…

    What is fair trade and why is it important?
  • Sure, I call them double chocolate cookies. But they’re so versatile I might as well call them s’mores cookies! Pictured in this post are actually double chocolate and marshmallow cookies, for example. Make sure you follow the recipe for the dough, and the add-ins can be whatever you want. (Choose fair trade, of course!) For…

  • Homemade shawarma spice is that ingredient in your kitchen that you didn’t know you needed. I’m in Ottawa, and that’s important, because we’re talking about shawarma today. Ottawa has been called the shawarma capital of the world (which seems a little rude to our friends in Lebanon, who gave us the delicious treat in the…

  • If (like me) you love regular peanut butter cookies, just imagine how delicious honey peanut butter cookies are! But what makes these cookies even better is the honey from African Bronze! Not only is it fair trade and organic honey, it also has a very special flavour quality to it because it’s wild. Imagine honey…

  • If you start Googling fair trade, one of the first autofills is almost always “fair trade vs free trade.” These two things sound similar in name, so they cause some confusion. But fair trade and free trade (or conventional trade) are very different things. Today we’ll discuss why! I’ve already gone into detail about why…

    Fair trade vs free trade (conventional trade): what’s the difference?